
Gisela Domschke is the founder of DOM Produção. She is a Brazilian independent curator, working in collaboration with cultural institutions such as British Council, AHRC, Mondriaan Foundation,  Het Nieuwe Instituut,  Prince Claus Fund, FutureEverything amongst others. She is also the co-founder and artistic director of Labmovel (honorable mention at the Prix Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria).  Former lecturer in the MA Digital Culture programme at Goldsmiths University, London. She founded and managed the media lab of the Museu da Imagem e do Som of São Paulo, where she was responsible for the programme of exhibitions, workshops, artistic residencies, groups of research, festivals and partnerships with international institutions. Her artwork was exhibited in the Whitney Biennial (NY), Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), ICA (London), Johnson Museum of Art (Ithaca), Centre d’ Art Contemporain (Geneve) e Bienal de São Paulo. She lectured at FAAP, Belas Artes, PUC-SP, Escola São Paulo and IED-SP. In 2009, she co-curated Paralelo – art, technology and environment, an event that brought together 55 artists, designers, and researchers from Brazil, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to discuss perspectives for multidisciplinary collaborations on environmental issues. Since then, she has been developing  curatorial projects through frequent collaboration with international institutions, including: GloNet (Manchester, Vancouver, Sendai, Istanbul, São Paulo, 2010),  2012 ZERO1 Art and Technology Biennial, San Jose (CA) “Radical Fictions” in the IV 3M Digital Arts Show, Instituto Tomie Otahke, (SP) 2013, Basement, creative residence, Red Bull Station (SP) 2015, “Vital Beauty”, Glory Hole (Jaqueline Martins Gallery, São Paulo 2015 – 2016), Round N Around project (Het Niewe Instituutt, Rotterdam, São Paulo, 2016), Architecture of Appropriation (11a Bienal de Arquitetura, São Paulo, 2017), Acauã and the Ghost, a dialogue between Rivane Neuenschwander and José Bezerra (auroras, São Paulo, 2020). She is co-founder and artistic director of LABMOVEL project (honorable mention at the Prix Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria). Since 2016, she has been the institutional director for auroras, where she also coordinates the educational program Arte Na Casa. 

Contact: gdomschke@gmail.com